Eating Sense is a Food Company located in Kuwait.We really like something cool,creatve & of course original.We are open to any ideas.
For the color, we are giving priority to designer’s suggestion.We need different file formats like AI,PSD,EPS,JPG,PNG,PDF etc.Be creative with the font choice.Waiting to see what you come up with guys.
Thank You & Good Luck.
You have to be registered to upload your designs.
Logo MyFace
Hi, Contest Holder,
This is Admin here.We have noticed that You have chosen the category as Logo design contest.So We have attached Contest feature in your project.Now it’s your time to receive proposals from our talented designers.Hope You will enjoy this project.
Best regards,
Sheikh Ahmad
Hello all,
Please come up with different fonts.We would like to see wordmark logo like Norwood art.Be creative.Thanks.
Logo MyFace
Winner of this contest must provide Business card & Stationery design with Logo files as it is SILVER CONTEST PKG.
Best regards,