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    August 10, 2018
    Tips & Tricks No Comments

    Five essential skills for Graphic Designers


    • Creativity

    Graphic Designers need creativity. You need to come up with new and innovative designs/ideas. Figuring out ways to keep your ideas fresh and your mind sharp will help you succeed in the design career.

    • Typography

    Typography has the potential to make or break your design. Understanding how to find the right font or knowing how to create your own will go a long way in the design process.

    • Software

    Understanding how to use the well-known design software such as Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Flash, and InDesign will help you in landing your dream graphic design job.

    • Communication

    Understanding client’s specification and requirements is a key to creating a successful design.

    • Web Design

    A Graphic Designer should hold enough knowledge to work with CSS and HTML. Adding web design to your design portfolio will add value to your Resume.
